Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Wall Street Journal Issues Epic Correction On Radley Balko’s Error-Riddled Reporting
Many activists fighting against police abuses have embraced longtime GOP activist and Koch employee Radley Balko for his reporting on the militarization of police. Leaving aside the libertarian politics of focusing on the militarization of police as the problem — rather than the worsening class war and inequality in this country that make a militarized […]

Malcolm Gladwell’s “David & Goliath” Asks Us To Pity the Rich
Yasha Levine reviews Malcolm’s Gladwell’s latest bestseller, “David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants.” And it ain’t pretty…

Radley Balko: Anatomy of a “Stand Your Ground” Shill
NSFWCORP just published a companion essay to go along with Radley Balko’s SHAME profile. It puts Balko’s recent defense of George Zimmerman and Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law into context…

NPR’s Education Coverage Funded By Pro-Privatization Billionaires
Remember Ally Bank’s conflicted funding of NPR financial news program Planet Money? Well, turns out NPR is much more compromised than we ever imagined.

Why is Malcolm Gladwell running cover for the enablers of serial child molester Jerry Sandusky?
NSFWCORP recently published an article in which I explore the weird, sleazy public relations blitz designed to whitewash the role that top Penn State officials played in covering up the crimes of Jerry Sandusky.

Do Your Part: Help SHAME the Media Establishment
Ever since our launch just a few months ago, the SHAME Project has been running like a buzz saw through the media establishment . . . it just needs support from readers and fans like you to keep up the pace. Can you help?

Freakonomics Author Steven Levitt: Enemy of Chicago School Teachers
The list of enemies aligned against Chicago’s teachers is long and intimidating: Billionaire hotel heiress Penny Pritzker, Charles Koch, Art Pope, Rahm Emanuel, President Obama and . . . Steven Levitt.

Journalists at the RNC Either Suck Up To Power, Or Risk Attack…
One thing I learned from watching last week’s RNC: Being a reporter with a video camera at a GOP convention and doing anything other than sucking up to power . . . well, that just might be the most dangerous journalism job in America today. Hell, you’re in danger of being lynched just for reporting while being black.

HuffPo America: From Arianna Huffington’s Unpaid Massage Therapists to Obama’s Bridge to Work Program
Since its inception, the Huffington Post has relied heavily on unpaid bloggers. Huffington Post co-founder Ken Lerer said in 2007 that a key part of the plan of the website was to not pay these bloggers . . .